Ken Speaks to Faith
Based Organizations
Ken loves speaking for faith-based organizations.
Ken served full time on staff for over 35 years in churches ranging in size from 100 to 13,000 members. He is extremely familiar with the challenges churches face in the areas of leadership and communication.
He trains them in leadership as well as how to understand themselves and others in order to work together more effectively. Using the Jesus model of connection and communication, he teaches powerful principles that are immediately applicable. This teaching is normally done over a half-day or even a full-day of training, depending on the needs of the organization.
Additionally, Ken has the option of staying over for a night of entertainment, featuring his jaw-dropping illusions, as well as singing and speaking for worship services.
What Clients Say
Churches, corporate gatherings, and special occasions are just a few of the venues where he excels. Above all, he is a humble servant and there isn’t a diva bone in his body. He is a delight to be with and I love what he does, but I even more than that… I love who he IS.

Mike Huckabee
Former Governor of Arkansas
Ken blessed, challenged, and encouraged our church staff and congregation. His leadership and personality training was a game-changer for our team. We are communicating better and working together more effectively because we understand each other in ways we previously did not. Furthermore, Ken's teaching on Sunday morning was excellent biblical content delivered in a manner that connected with people of various ages and backgrounds—the entire weekend added so much value and perspective to our whole church family.
Kurt Katzorke
Lead Pastor
Hilltop Community Church
Reno, NV
Ken's investment into our staff and volunteer team expanded our capacity to function with greater effectiveness and excellence as we navigate a growth season at Refuge Church. We have seen leadership potential become realized in so many of our team members as well as an increase in effective communication among the organization as a whole since that weekend. Ken has a unique ability to decipher and decode the way individual personalities play into the team dynamic. The value added by Ken's time at Refuge is incalculable.
Matt Smith
Senior Pastor, Refuge Church
Jonesboro, Arkansas
Ken’s expertise in the DISC Profile was evident from the moment he started speaking, it doesn’t hurt that he is also a fantastic communicator. Our Staff loved it. He also did a combination concert and illusion show for our church. He expertly uses the illusions as vehicles to present the Gospel, and the power and beauty of his voice is incredible. Most importantly though, Ken loves the Lord Jesus Christ and His Church. Thank you, Ken.
Tony Slavin
Pastor, Cornerstone Community Church
Incline Village Nevada
Ken Hartley carries the joy of the Lord across his face! His wisdom and insight draws me in to listen and learn. It’s rare for one person to have incredible vocal skills AND speaking skills. Ken has both and never disappoints.

Chonda Pierce
Best Selling Comedienne of all time.
Ken also has a non-profit:
True Transformations Global.

He travels the world utilizing his skills as a speaker, illusionist, and singer to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the next 24 months he will be traveling to Africa, Central America, South America, Europe, and the Middle East.
Click Here To Watch The recap video of his time in Brazil in 2022
Additionally, he partners with Bill Glass Behind The Walls. To date, he has spoken to over 18,000 inmates and seen thousands come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
To learn more about this ministry or to make a tax-deductible donation, click this link: